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Outdoor Study Group

Breaking Down the Walls of the Classroom

Resources for Teachers and Families to Co-Create Learning Experiences

About this site

Hi, my name is Coral Zayas. I've created this site to support fellow teachers and families as we transition to remote learning in the coming weeks. It is my goal to share the best resources to support teachers and families during this time. I have done my best to find the original author of any of these shared resources to give them full credit. Below, you'll find all the blog posts, I've designed them to be 5 minute reads or less and a one stop shop to finding the resources you need quickly. If you're looking for a faster way to search, check out the menus at the top of the page.


If you have any questions please connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter. 

Resources for Educators: Microsoft Tools

The Microsoft Education Center is always full of incredible #free information and self-paced trainers to support educators as they create...

Time for a Brain Break: Movement and Mindfulness

Excellent websites that offer brain break activities for the kids. For Movement and Mindfulness Fluency and Fitness Go Noddle Don't...

Learning Together: Literacy/Reading Resources

There are a wide variety of websites/apps that have incredible resources to read with your child, these are some of the unique ones I'm a...

Virtual Field Trips: Let the World be Your Classroom

Virtual field trips are a way to transport your students or your children to different places around the world. Many museums, zoos, and...

Learn Together: History

These are both resources for families and teachers who are working through history assignments in the coming weeks. Currently free due to...

Learning Together: Time to Write

Many websites have a photo of the day to inspire students to write. These are some of those amazing resources to add some writing to your...

LIVE STEM Lessons, Classes, and Camps

These incredible educators and organizations around the country are live streaming lessons. Check them out! For science and math lessons...

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