Here are some of the top tools created by various edtech and technology companies to support you during this time as you transition to #remotelearning. I'm only including tools I know many teachers are currently trying to get used to as they make the transition or tools that are top notch resources for educators year-round.
Virtual Meetings
Zoom: Virtual Meetings
Zoom Directions for Students (Created by the Techie Teacher)
Screencasting Tools for Educators
Loom - Now FREE for all educators.
Flipgrid- see Flipgrid resources below, now has a whiteboard feature!
Software Programs (Microsoft/Google/Apple) for Remote/Distance Learning
Microsoft Office 365 Tools for Remote Learning
Distance Learning Center (new)
Education Center (excellent community year-round, full of self-paced FREE trainings)
EdTech Companies: Top Favorites!
Nearpod and Flocabulary
At-Home Resources- Guides for Teachers and Families available in English and Spanish
Flipgrid- Video and Social Learning
The Flipgrid Educator's Guide Version 4 (Best One Stop Shop to Learn about Flipgrid)
Wakelet- Amazing Tool for Curation of Resources, Curated Newsletters, Student Projects, and so much more!
Wakelet Educator's Guide (English) this guide is also available in 10 other languages, share with your educator friends around the globe, you can download them here!
More will be added soon! Hope this helps!
#remotelearning #remoteteaching #googleforedu #appleteacher #microsoftedu #nearpod #flocabulary #flipgridfever